Gahrara Gahrara
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Royal Gahrara
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Royal Gahrara

Details: Fabric: Gharara and Shirt (Net) Dupatta (Chiffon) Work: hand embellishment of zari, sitara, kora and stone. Color: Shirt (White) Dupatta (Red) Description: The net shirt and gharara along with...
Pearl Gahrara

Pearl Gahrara

Details: Fabric: Dupatta and Shirt (Mesouri) Gahrara (Mesouri) Work: hand embellishment of zari, sitara, kora,sitara and stone. Color: Sky Blue Description: The missouri shirt and dupatta along with banarsi gahrara...
Crystal Gahrara

Crystal Gahrara

Details: Fabric: Dupatta and Shirt (Chiffon) Gahrara (Banarsi Chiffon) Work: hand embellishment of zari, sitara, kora,sitara and stone. Color: White Description: The chiffon shirt and dupatta along with banarsi chiffon...